Welcome to Catalyst COVID, a group of stories showing how the COVID-19 is changing our world.


Welcome to Catalyst COVID, a series of stories showcasing how societies around the world are turning to mass surveillance for national security, interpersonal trust, and optimizing their economies in the time of a global pandemic. This project developed from a course taught on Cultures of Surveillance at the University of Arizona.


A List of Terms and People centeral to many of these articles.

Seeking Surveillance

While it is understandably common to conceive of surveillance as restrictive, invasive, oppressive, and antithetical to personal freedom, that is not the whole story. Surveillance is something often sought and desired by individuals in the pursuit of personal freedom.

The World Wide COVID-19 Response

The responses of countries such as China and Singapore to COVID-19 highlight the myriad ways that surveillance is used to police actions in modern disciplinary societies.

Surveillance Capitalism in a COVID-19 World

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about the degradation of social institutions. Restaurants, movie theaters, and gyms lie abandoned, cars no longer fill the street. Social institutions where humans congregated and interacted are now gone. These stay-at-home orders issued by the government and encouraged by the public have relegated the vast majority of American citizens to their homes.

A Musical Inspiration

A List of Terms and People centeral to many of these articles.